Friday, September 14, 2007

Tips : Web design End User

In this web design tutorials, I am going to emphasise on this very essential web design tip.


Get that tip into your head because a website would not gain consistent traffic or even repeated ones if visitors to the site find the design inaccessible. A dumb and probably even useless fact some of you might say but people still forget it. You have to agree that the end user is the most important person when drafting out a design. If you can successfully draft out a design thats appealing yet easily accesible to the end user, then I assure you that your client would feel the same. (with the exception of 0.0001% :p)

Can't wait to get into what this web design tips was intitially for? Here's some ways you can actually implement the web design tip in your future works :

  • Imagine you're the end user every single second of your design phase
  • Have friends test out your layout after you're done with drafting
  • Dont think whether you or the client would like the aesthetics of the design but more on whether a visitor would know where to go to get what he wants.
  • Place aesthetic criterias aside and make sure you have a sitemap so that everything is easily accesible.
  • What's the purpose of the site?
  • Target Audience?
  • Get outside opinions, critiques, especially those NOT adept at web design.
  • Last but not least, would you re-visit the site (with your design) considering you're an outsider?

I just cannot emphasise the importance of this web design tips, namely, to imagine yourself in the shoes of a visitor of the site you're designing. Without doing so, its rare that one is able to churn up a design for a site that will keep visitors coming back for reasons that include aesthetic appeal as well as accesiblity.

As a web user yourself, I'm very certain none of you wants to go combing through the whole site just to find that link that says "Contact Us" or even wait minutes for images to load on a site. Therefore, thinking of the end user in mind while drafting out your design would ensure that you go to great lengths to ensure a pleasant visit for your visitors and it would show indefinitely.

Some people prefer simplicity, some like those beautiful graphics, but the fact remains that if a visitor does not enjoy his time while on your site, you're most definitely not going to get him to visit your site again lest he's forced to. So it doesnt matter what kind of web design/layout you go for, just remember the web design tip I have been emphasising since the start,

Your target audience/end user has to enjoy their stay while on the site.

I can assure you a 100% gurantee that you would be getting revisits on your site. And that is always good because then, word of your site would spread in time to come and that concludes this web design tips.

Till then,

Jasa, Web Design Tips Tricks


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